Monday 12 March 2018

Building an Environment for Learning

For the last five years, we have been co-constructing the physical environment for learning with the children in our spaces. The year, one of our classes used the theme 'House Rules', one class used a construction zone theme and one class used a movie theme, encouraging the children to be 'Directors of Learning'. The children were actively involved in setting up their physical environment. By ensuring the children are part of the decision making process, we create a learning community where our children feel a sense of belonging and ownership.

This learning has involved:

  • Children completing learning surveys to identify their own preferences and the different preferences of the learners in the space.
  • Children designing floor plans based on the information from the surveys and reflecting on their effectiveness.
  • Children collaborating to set-up the furniture in the different areas in the classroom.
  • Reflecting on the effectiveness of the spaces and making changes.

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